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Winter Goose Problems: How to Keep Them Away Year-Round

Winter Goose Problems: How to Keep Them Away Year-Round

Winter in Mississauga can be a beautiful season, but for many property owners, it can also kick off an unexpected season: geese. While the white-feathered birds are commonly seen near picturesque lakes and grassy parks, they can also be a considerable headache, particularly in the fall and winter months. That’s where Action Wildlife Removal comes in — we understand this problem and will help you solve it humanely.

Why Geese Are a Problem in Winter

Geese are migratory by nature, but Canadian geese have abundant food sources in the urban environments and safety from predators right here in Mississauga, where many of them have decided to stay, in some cases, year-round. During winter, these  geese typically gather on properties that offer open water, large grassy areas, or convenient food sources.

Here are a few of the usual issues they create:

Damage to Lawns: Geese feed on grass, creating bald patches and harming landscaping.

Health hazards: Goose droppings may harbor pathogenic bacteria and parasites, which pose health hazards to humans and pets.

Aggressive Behavior: Geese may get defensive, particularly during nesting season, and can attack people or pets.

Preventing Geese Year-Round

Preventing geese from returning in spring and keeping them away during winter requires a few proactive measures. Here Are Some Tips To Deter Geese From Your Property:

Eliminate Food Sources: Goose are drawn to regions where food is abundant. Please don’t feed them, and make sure your property is free of food scraps or birdseed that might lure them.

Modify the Landscape: Geese like an open area where they can see a far-off predator. Planting tall grasses or shrubs or building fences around ponds can prevent a visit.

Use Decoys and Deterrents: Visual deterrents, such as predator decoys, reflective tape, or scare balloons, may dissuade geese from roosting. For a more effective solution, add noise-making devices.

Install Pond Management Solutions: If your property has a pond or water feature, consider installing floating nets or aerators to make the water less attractive to the geese. Aerators can also accelerate water freezing, making the habitat less preferable.

Hire Professionals: On the other hand, trust professionals such as Action Wildlife Removal — you get the right humane and practical approach. We specialize in humane, compliant with local wildlife regulations, and goose deterrence.

Humane Goose Removal Methods by Action Wildlife Removal

We prefer the more humane and environmentally friendly option at Action Wildlife Removal. Here’s how we can help:

Assessment: We perform an on-site property analysis to determine problem areas and what factors attract geese.

Exclusion Methods: Our exclusion methods include barriers and deterrents that make your property less appealing to geese.

Continued Management: We offer strategies and maintenance plans to keep geese away year-round.

Protect Your Property This Winter

Don’t let geese ruin your winter wonderland. You will be able to keep geese away all year round by taking some proactive steps and getting professional help from the team at Action Wildlife Removal.

Call us today to schedule a consultation and discover goose removal services.