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The Risks of DIY Wildlife Removal

The Risks of DIY Wildlife Removal

When it comes to wildlife intrusions in homes and businesses, the nuisance level can get significant, causing many property owners to attempt DIY wildlife removal. Although it could look like a fast and low-cost approach, Wild animal disposal without experience is dangerous. Attempting to remove wildlife from homes often causes more harm than good, from health risks to legal consequences. This is why you should leave wildlife control to professionals such as Action Wildlife Removal.

Health and Safety Risks

Wildlife, including raccoons, skunks, and squirrels, can spread diseases such as rabies, leptospirosis, and hantavirus. Ensuring that you, your family, and your pets don’t come into direct contact with or close contact with an infected animal poses a risk.” Animals could also bite or scratch when threatened, resulting in injuries that need medical attention.

Legal Consequences

Dense laws regarding trapping and relocating wild animals exist in many areas. For instance, certain animals are protected in Canada, and taking them without proper permits could land you with heavy fines or legal action. Professional wildlife removal services are familiar with the legal requirements surrounding the removal and relocation of animals, meaning that you can have peace of mind that your actions are by local laws.

Removing It Incorrectly Can Compound the Issue

DIY methods like traps and repellents temporarily reduce the problem. If you don’t properly find and seal the entry points, the animals may come back, or new ones will replace them. In addition, disturbing trapped animals can result in stress, injury, or death in either the animal or the personnel attempting to remove it, which can be inhumane and short-term.

Damage to Property

Numerous wildlife species, including rodents and raccoons, are skilled at getting into attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Trying to evict them yourself without the necessary know-how can cause more damage to your property, like broken roofing and insulation, not to mention an electrical hazard if the wee beasties chew through wiring.

Unintended Consequences

One of the biggest mistakes people make when attempting to eliminate wildlife is separating mother animals from their babies. This can leave behind orphaned baby animals who could die without proper relocation, posing extra ethical and practical challenges. Also, trapped or cornered animals may react aggressively, making the situation more dangerous.

Reasons You Should Opt for Professional Wildlife Removal

How is it that when Action Wildlife Removal does a wildlife control job, it is done correctly, safely, effectively, and without animal cruelty? Our trained experts use specialized equipment and techniques to safely remove caught wildlife, identify potential entry points, and seal, preventing pest infestation in the future. And compliance with all legal and environmental regulations.

Final Thoughts

Though DIY wildlife removal sounds like a money-saving option, it has more risks than benefits. What starts as a minor bug problem can quickly become a big one — health dangers, legal issues, inadequate fixes, and property damage get involved. By relying on an expert wildlife removal company such as Action Wildlife Removal, you can achieve a safe, humane, and long-lasting termination of your wildlife problem.

So, if you have a wildlife problem, don’t take matters into your own hands—call Action Wildlife Removal today for a safe and professional solution!