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Keep Unwanted Guests Away This Winter: Wildlife Control Tips

Keep Unwanted Guests Away This Winter: Wildlife Control Tips

As winter approaches, many homeowners inspect their yards and indoors to make their houses animal-free. During the winter, animals move, looking for shelter and food. From squirrels, raccoons, and geese to birds and bats, these animals can turn your sweet home into a cozy house. If you find wildlife creatures on your property, it’s good to get the help of a Mississauga wildlife professional. Here are some helpful tips to protect your property from unwanted wildlife guests.

Seal Entry Points: The most effective way to prevent small animals from entering your house is to look for cracks and gaps in the roof, windows, doors, and walls. Seal all the cracks and gaps with steel wool, caulk, or hardware cloth. Also, inspect your attic, as squirrels and raccoons turn it into their home.

Keep Your Home Clutter Free: Animals come to your house for food. Keep trash cans and leftover food out of your home. Store trash cans in the garage or shed. If you throw food items or pet food into unsecured trash, animals can easily access your property.

Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trees and shrubs around your property or windows can act as a bridge for animals to access your attic and roof. Trimming them will lessen the chances of wildlife climbing onto your attic for food and shelter.

Keep Firewood Away From Your Home: If you have firewood stacks in your backyard, you invite rodents, insects, and other animals to nest there. You can get help from a professional to know where to store firewood, or you can store it at least twenty feet from your property.

Inspect basement and attic: When the temperature drops, basements, and attics are favorite places for many wildlife. Inspect for droppings and nesting materials; these can be signs that animals are in your basement or attic. Sealing the gaps and cracks in your basement and attic will help keep these animals out.

Call a Professional: If you find rodents, raccoons, squirrels, or any other wildlife in your house, it is essential to call a professional as soon as possible to eliminate the problem. DIY removal can damage your property or lead to injury. Mississauga wildlife professionals like Action Wildlife Removal have specialists to handle the issues effectively.

Preparing your house for winter is crucial, but keeping animals out is also essential. Sealing cracks, gaps, and entry points and storing food in airtight containers will protect your property from unwanted guests this winter. If you want advice from an expert, don’t hesitate to contact us at Action Wildlife Removal Mississauga.