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Humane Rodent Removal: What Are Your Options?

Humane Rodent Removal: What Are Your Options?

It is very frustrating that they make your home and business infested with mice, rats, raccoons, or other champion rodents. And it’s only natural that you want to kill them right away. However, doing it without destruction in a civilized manner is very important—actions to end alien populations but more offensive to nature and humans than animals. However, we have an array of humane methods for removing rodents that ensure the safety of both people and wildlife.

Prevention and Exclusion

The best cure for rat and mouse pests is always prevention. By blocking entry points such as small gaps in walls or from cracked materials that create a foundation, you can vastly reduce your likelihood of seeing mice or rats—or so it has been claimed. That goes double if you successfully install mesh screens around the bottom of your porch, weather stripping, or chimney screens.

Live Trapping

When getting rid of rodents, live trapping is the most humane approach. These traps can catch mice or rats without killing them, providing a safe relocation into a more suitable habitat. When using live traps, it is highly important to inspect them often and remove the animals far from human habitations so that they never return.

Natural Deterrents

Natural deterrents are the best lethal methods at one’s disposal to keep rodents away. There are many such deterrents, including:

Peppermint oil: Rodents loathe the pungent odor of peppermint oil. Soaking cotton balls in the oil and placing them at entry points can help prevent them from entering your home.

Ultrasonic deterrents: These produce high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant for rodents but inaudible to people and pets.

Predator scents: The smell of natural predators—foxes and cats—in an area will discourage rodents from moving in.

Professional Humane Removal Services

People like to get rid of mice by trapping them, but the trouble is that most trapped mice die lingering deaths because there’s not always someone who can empty traps daily. Many people have tried the humane way of trapping mice, but all their furry little lives are still dead.

Eco-Friendly Rodent Control Methods

Some environmentally friendly pest control solutions include:

Proper food storage: Keeping food in sealed containers and disposing waste properly eliminates attractants.

Wildlife habitat changes: Reducing clutter, cutting back overgrown vegetation, and eliminating standing water resources can make your property less inviting to rodents.

Non-toxic bait stations: A few businesses offer humane bait stations that trap rodents alive instead of poisoning them.

Why Choose Humane Rodent Removal?

Humane rodent removal methods are more effective and ethical in the long run. Traditional poison and snap traps can inflict great suffering but do not deal with the root of your infestation problem. If you choose off-grid solutions, you will protect a healthy ecology and avoid secondary poisoning of pets and wildlife at the same time.

If you have a rodent problem, you want the solution to be effective and humane. Why not contact us today? The team at Action Wildlife Removal has long been engaged in considerate rodent control, keeping your house clear of pests while respecting the environment.