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Expert Tips for Wildlife Prevention

Expert Tips for Wildlife Prevention

While many of us are interested in watching squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, opossums, skunks, and several other woodland creatures. Most of the people are terrified when they find it in their yards. Their presence is problematic and poses an issue to security. Moreover, wildlife can damage property, and come with their disease-carrying fleas and ticks.

Wild animals are the reason behind 92 percent of reported cases of rabies, which is alarming. Raccoons are the most frequently reported rabid wildlife species, followed by skunks, bats, foxes, and rodents.

Why is the urban population facing this threat?
The sudden increase in urban areas, where animals once lived has been taken over by the increasing population. Usually, homeowners are not fully prepared when they encounter them for the first time. These wild animals become a nuisance and a health threat to the people and the property.

Mostly in the cooler months, wild animals wander around the human environments in search of food and shelter. Some homes, have large gardens are more inviting to these animals as they seem like a forest. Moreover, homes located near forest preserves, parks, rivers, and other wildlife habitats encounter wild animals entering their homes. Apart from this, vacant buildings and houses with a lot of mature trees in the yard or the neighborhood are likely to have some wildlife visiting them.

It is recommended to contact local wildlife or pest professional rather than trying to remove them on their own. Action Wildlife Removal experts have been trained to safely handle such situations. They skillfully approach the animal and trap it without being bitten.  

Here are some tips for homeowners to ensure wildlife stays in the wild and stay safe in the house

  • Install door sweeps on exterior doors, and chimney caps to avoid something entering from there.
  • Cover exhausts fan openings and vents.
  • Inspect roofs annually to fix the damage caused.
  • Keep tree limbs cut and in proper shape
  • Keep basements and crawl spaces dry.
  • Do not let leaf piles or other debris accumulate in the yard or garden.

Fencing, plant choice, and landscape design should be designed in a way that they are less attractive to wildlife. These are the easiest and most effective ways to stay safe even while living around forests and lakes.